This place contains OpenCOBOL 1.1 Community Edition binaries for different platforms.
This build has been made on 2013/01/16.
This build is using VS2008 (Microsoft C version 9 / Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for x64) so it's better you have it. You can download OpenCOBOL Windows 64-bit binaries, which include MPIR version 1.3.1, VBISAM 2.0, and PDCurses 3.4.
You can get Windows x86/x64 VS2008 project files, OC and Cobol85 test suite for windows here. You will need to move build_vbisam subdirectory into your open-cobol-ce directory.
This build has been made on 2013/01/16.
This build is using VS2008 (Microsoft C version 9 / Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86) so it's better you have it. You can download OpenCOBOL Windows 32-bit binaries, which include MPIR version 1.3.1, VBISAM 2.0, and PDCurses 3.4.
You can get Windows x86/x64 VS2008 project files, OC and Cobol85 test suite for windows here. You will need to move build_vbisam subdirectory into your open-cobol-ce directory.